About us
Cross Reality provides unique multiplayer VR gaming turn-key solutions for arcades and entertainment venues.
Its proprietary CRES™ platform, which includes hardware (VR headsets & servers) and software (games & customer management), turns any 100m² space into a virtual gaming arena with up to ten players simultaneously.

We use free to roam wireless technology which means there’s no longer a need for players to carry heavy equipment or computers, allowing freedom of movement.
Exchangeable batteries allows nonstop play.
Our passion for gaming
Cross Reality provides unique multiplayer VR gaming turn-key solutions for arcades and entertainment venues. Its proprietary CRES™ platform, which includes hardware (VR headsets & servers) and software (games & customer management), turns any 100m² space into a virtual gaming arena with up to ten players simultaneously.
The company was founded in 2018 when the company created a bespoke three-player VR game and sold it together with associated hardware to trampoline parks in Sweden. This unique VR experience quickly created an enormous demand from park visitors and was often fully booked. Since then the company has focused on expanding its offering and is now offering a ten-player turn-key solution for any venue looking to expand into high-tech entertainment experiences.
As clients to Cross Reality, we promise you
Accessibility. We want everyone to be able to enjoy our system and our games, so we make it as affordable and as easy to install as we possibly can. The portable version is designed to be up and running within 15 minutes. Also, the system is also developed for maximum stability, minimizing costly and frustrating downtime, and to let up to ten players join at any time. All to offer the fastest ROI on the market. If something would come up anyway, our support is just as accessible as our systems.
Simplicity. Working with us and our system must be easy as 1 – 2 – 3. Our system offers a super-fast onboarding for venues and players both. The only thing the operator needs to do is hand over the headset and controllers, then click twice to start a game session. Done! However, don’t mistake simplicity in operation for the games being easy. The casual player will be able to enjoy the first-time experience with little or no effort. But to master the games and go for the high score will be quite a challenge, offering a high replay value for loyal customers and hardcore gamers alike.
Fun! If we succeed in being as accessible and simple to work with as possible, all that is left for us, you and your customers is to have fun. After all, that is the end goal of all entertainment.
We are Cross Reality
Marie - Founder & COO
Who are you?
I’m a 53 years old entrepreneur and mom. I have built eight companies, seven of those together with my business partner Patrik Zalewski. When I’m not working I spend all my time together with my children, driving them to sport activities and helping them with their school work.
What have you done before?
I have over 14 years of experience from the leisure industry, selling and projecting trampoline parks and indoor playgrounds. Before that I spent many years in the media industry, working in countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Estonia, Ukraine and China.
What’s your favorite game?
My favorite game is Cross Reality’s own “Zombie Zone”! It’s scary and fun, and it’s fun to play together with friends.
What’s the best thing about VR?
It’s the best immersive and engaging entertainment there is, and it’s fun both if you are a single player or if you are playing with friends. Another great thing is that you can go into different worlds each time.
After working with action parks for years, you are now developing VR games for those same parks. Weren’t the available activities fun enough?
VR games are the perfect combination to add onto different kinds of entertainment parks in order to attract a wider target age group and to increase the turnover.
Martin - Board Member
Who are you?
I’m Martin Walfisz, entrepreneur, gamer and game developer.
What have you done before?
I’ve been in the games industry for over 25 years, and started a few game companies, most notably Massive Entertainment (nowadays a part of Ubisoft).
What’s your favorite game?
I play and try a lot of different games; for the past many years I keep coming back to “Overwatch” whenever I get the shooter itch. But right now, I probably spend most of my playtime with “Score! Match” on my iPad; it’s a very simple, relaxing game, with short play sessions.
What’s the best thing about VR?
That it really is a completely different type of gaming experience. With a VR headset on, the immersion is so much deeper and more tangible.
Your statements about being skeptical, to say the least, to the VR trend have been widely published, what made you change your mind?
I’ve never been skeptical to VR as a great entertainment experience – it truly is fantastic! I’m primarily concerned about when it will become a viable business opportunity for game companies; buying a VR headset for home use it not something many gamers prioritize yet. But that’s also why I think that the Cross Reality offering is so compelling, anyone can get a great VR experience, out-of-home, at a reasonable cost.
Patrik - Founder & CEO
Who are you?
I’m a serial entrepreneur with a huge passion for gaming. I also have a strong drive to try to make the world a better place. The world is changing!
What have you done before?
For the last 13 years I have started and built eleven companies in different industries, Most notably is GIAB Nordic AB, which is listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market.
What’s your favorite game?
I have to say “Diablo 1”. I can still remember the feeling I had when playing it. Even today I can get nostalgic when hearing the music from the game.
What’s the best thing about VR?
I think VR is best when you can experience things that are hard to do in real life.
The crossover from a traditional screen to a 360 world opens up so many things we can experience that would have been boring or less interesting on a computer screen.
How did you go from handling waste and claims settlements at the listed company GIAB Nordic AB to start a VR gaming company?
One of the companies I have been part of and built up is a large activity park. That’s where we chose to invest in VR early on. However, there were only very expensive and complicated systems on the market that required a lot of staff and knowledge of VR. After attending a couple of trade shows, we realized that there was an opportunity to enter this market. And once we got our product up and running, I realized how much passion I have for this, so I chose to leave my operational commitments at GIAB and invest wholeheartedly in Cross Reality. But I am still the second largest owner in GIAB and strongly believe that the company can take off.
Leigh - Lead Developer
Who are you?
I am Leigh. I do game programming and art as well as oversee all ongoing projects relating to our CRES platform and look after the dev team.
What’s your favourite game of all time?
The ‘Desperados’ series. I like stealth games and I enjoy how much planning needs to be done in all of the Desperados games.
What do you like about VR?
I like that it is an emerging technology and I enjoy developing for it as there are many techniques that can be used that wouldn’t work in a flat screen game.
What is the best thing about Cross Reality?
The office is cool and my colleagues are awesome. Pranking Ronine is also fun.
Ronnie - Lead Artist
Who are you?
Born and raised on the wild plains of North West England, I moved to Sweden 15 years ago to work for the same company as our very own Marie. There I was a designer & illustrator for indoor play centres. Several years and questionable life choices later Marie and I are working together again. I’m responsible for the graphics in the games.
What’s your favourite game of all time?
Single player: Resident Evil 4
Multiplayer: Sensible world of soccer
What do you like about VR?
The feeling that you’re stepping into a world you helped create when you put on the headset.
What’s the best thing about Cross Reality?
The people. Everyone really cares about what we’re doing. We get to work on games we want to play, and we have a lot of creative freedom while we do it.
Pyrola - Programmer
Who are you?
I’m Pyrola. I am a C++ game programmer who studied at The Game Assembly.
What’s your favourite game of all time?
My favorite game is The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess because that was my first Zelda game and it made me realize what video games can be.
What do you like about VR?
I like that is it kind of new and developing for it is a challenge.
What’s the best thing about Cross Reality?
Pranking Ronine.